Blood of Yamin

About game:
• Worked for small indie team with other programmers working on it. Game was preparing for kickstarter release. It was pleasure working with everyone in the team. It is An action rpg/metroidvania set in a world on the cusp of an Industrial revolution brought by the Blood of a dead god, Yamin. The Blood of Yamin is a metroidvania RPG set in a world where man has just learned to harvest the essence of a dead god. Explore, collect, and slay your way across Yamin from a side-scrolling perspective. Along your journey, you’ll brave the wilderness which is packed to the brim with outlaws and monsters. You’ll explore dense cities to shop, gather information, and begin quests to prepare for that expedition to the wilds. You’ll learn new abilities to unlock dangerous areas and overcome the enemies that await you there.


Desktop,Windows Game

Action RPG/Metroidvania

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